Louisiana Student Standards Review

Louisiana Standards Review Process

SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS REVIEW: 2020-2021 and 2021-2022

Louisiana underwent a professional review of the state’s academic content standards for Social Studies during the 2020-2021 school year to ensure that they continue to maintain strong expectations for teaching and learning aligned with college and workplace demands. Thirty-six Louisiana educators as well as representatives from Louisiana universities, parent and community groups, a Tribal leader, and three Louisiana students participated in the review and development of new standards for Social Studies. On December 14, 2021, BESE charged the Department with reviewing public comment and refining the standards foundational document. BESE approved the final draft of standards on March 9, 2022. 

An overview of the process, a full list of committee members, and meeting agendas and materials are archived in the Standards Review Committee Library.

Please email classroomsupporttoolbox@la.gov with questions.

Physical Education Standards review: 2017

Louisiana underwent a professional review of the state’s academic content standards for Physical Education in 2017 to ensure students develop into physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.

Practitioners and stakeholders including elementary, middle and high school physical education teachers, higher education physical education professionals, district supervisors of physical education, representatives from the Louisiana Department of Health, Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Louisiana Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance and Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness, participated in the review and development of new standards for Physical Education. See the full list of committee members.

SCIENCE Standards review: 2016-2017

Louisiana underwent a professional review of the state’s academic content standards for Science during the 2016-17 school year to ensure that they continue to maintain strong expectations for teaching and learning aligned with college and workplace demands. Sixty-three Louisiana educators including representatives from Louisiana universities, business and industry, and the Louisiana PTA, participated in the review and development of new standards for Science.

An overview of the process, a full list of committee members, and meeting agendas and materials are archived in the Standards Review Committee Library.


Louisiana underwent a professional review of the state’s academic content standards for English language arts (ELA) and mathematics during the 2015-2016 school year to ensure that they continue to maintain strong expectations for teaching and learning aligned with college and workplace demands. Over 100 Louisiana educators, as well as representatives from Louisiana universities, business and industry, and parent groups, participated in the review and development of new standards for ELA and math. An overview of the process, a full list of committee members, and meeting agendas and materials can be found in the Standards Review Committee Library.

Please email classroomsupporttoolbox@la.gov with questions.

Click here to visit the Standards Review Library