Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Provider Library


CCAP Required health and safety training topics

Pursuant to Bulletin 139, listed below are the Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) required topics for health and safety trainings for CCAP providers including type III early learning sites, family child care home and in-home providers, school child care providers, and military childcare providers:

  1. Prevention and control of infectious diseases (including immunization).

  2. Prevention of sudden infant death syndrome and use of safe sleeping practices.

  3. Administration of medication, consistent with standards for parental consent.

  4. Prevention of and response to emergencies due to food and allergic reactions.

  5. Building and physical premises safety, including identification of and protection from hazards that can cause bodily injury such as electrical hazards, bodies of water, and vehicular traffic.

  6. Prevention of shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma.

  7. Emergency preparedness and response planning for emergencies resulting from a natural disaster or a man-caused event.

  8. Handling and storage of hazardous materials and the appropriate disposal of bio contaminants.

  9. Precautions in transporting children, if applicable.

  10. First aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification.

  11. Recognition and mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect.


Family child care and in-home providers must meet the training requirements of 12 clock hours of training annually including the topics listed above with the exception of administration of medication and first aid and CPR certification. These two trainings are required as a part of the CCAP initial certification.

  • Medication administration training completed with a qualified health and safety professional, a child care health consultant, approved by LDH to provide training, consultation, and technical assistance to child care providers on health and safety topics every two years.

  • First aid and CPR are required at initial certification and renewal and are not counted toward the 12 hour requirement.

CCAP Required health and safety RESOURCES

Act 81 (House Bill 175) provides that the Office of Public Health provide information and resources to the Department of Education (LDE) for all areas of training required for employees of early learning centers in promoting the health, safety, and welfare of children. Training in these topics can be found below. Once the trainings in these topics have been completed, training is acceptable in job-related subject areas approved by the Department other than these topics.

Partners for Healthy Babies

Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana

Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services

SIDS Risk Reduction and Safe Sleep Campaign

Louisiana Child Care Health Consultant program

National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome

Red Cross

American Heart Association

Once mandatory requirements are completed, additional trainings are acceptable in job-related subject areas approved by the Department. If you need assistance in finding Department approved professional development, you may contact your Child Care Resource and Referral Agency or the CCAP Provider Help Desk.


Prior to certification as a CCAP provider, all providers must complete a pre-service orientation. Pre-service orientation for family child care and in-home providers counts as 4 hours of training (only one time) applied to your first year of obtaining 12 clock hours of required training.