Grow. Achieve. Thrive.

Louisiana's Revised Accountability System

Louisiana’s revised accountability system will raise the bar for academic success, enhance the value of career education, and make it easier for the public to understand how schools are performing. It’s named Grow. Achieve. Thrive. after its three core student expectations. Louisiana expects all students to grow academically year-over-year, achieve proficiency on key content, and thrive beyond high school.

Grow. Achieve. Thrive. goes into effect for the 2025-2026 school year. We will continue to regularly update this page with new information and resources. You can also stay informed by registering for our Grow. Achieve. Thrive. newsletter that will begin in August.

Preview Video

Watch Louisiana Department of Education Assistant Superintendent Thomas Lambert walk you through how school performance will be determined starting with the 2025-2026 school year. You can also view the video on our YouTube channel.

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Schools should be measured by the number of students growing in math and English, with special attention paid to the lowest achieving students.


Schools should be measured by the number of students who are proficient in math, English, science, and social studies.


High schools should be measured on the number of students graduating on time, showing readiness on a nationally recognized exam, and prepared to accelerate.
Louisiana's Accountability Scorecard

Schools will be graded using a simple scorecard that includes elements foundational to student success. Each of the scorecard’s foundational elements will be evenly averaged to determine a score for schools and systems. These are clear measures of what we know matter most to academic success.


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